4MS Spectral Multiband Resonator

The Spectral Multiband Resonator from 4MS provides an innovative new spin on the filter bank concept with features like rotation, scale quantizing and a host of other attributes. For someone like me, who enjoys making music using field recordings, this module offers a perfect means to convert noisy material into something musical in an enjoyable and intuitive way.

Filter banks have been around for decades, utilizing the basic concept of reducing, boosting, or completely isolating specific ranges of the frequency spectrum. Dividing audio into separate bands allows for flexible processing possibilities, on both the practical and experimental ends of the spectrum. I really enjoy using Vierring in Native Instrument’s Reaktor, which can step sequence four sweepable frequency bands with controls for attack, decay, resonance, and delay. Could  the Spectral Multiband Resonator open the floodgates to Vierring style processing in my modular rack?

*** Read the rest here.



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